Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser tattoo removal can yield promising results if the person regrets getting a tattoo and is dissatisfied with how it looks, or if the tattoo has faded or gotten blurry. One of the most popular and safest methods of tattoo removal in Delhi is the laser utilized at Myra Skin & Hair Solutions. Stronger, more intricate, and any kind of tattoo can be removed with this painless and efficient methodRemoval of the tattoos can be done permanently in a safe manner with the help of advanced Q-Switched Lasers.The procedure is accomplished effectively using lasers which emit high enerygy to breakdown the tattoo pigments into smaller particles which are gradually cleared out by the body cells. Amateur tattoos generally clear out in lesser number of sessions, however, professional tattoos may need multiple sessions.

After cleaning the affected region, a local anesthetic or numbing ointment is used.The purpose of the eye shields is to shield the eyes from the laser light.The tattoo ink is broken down with the Q SWITCHED NdYag laser energy pulse . Various lasers and wavelengths are used to erase tattoos that are colorful.The body's immune system uses the phagocytosis mechanism to eliminate the ink particles once the lasers break them up. To relieve the affected area, an ice pack is applied right away following the treatment.To preserve the treated region, bandages and antibiotic ointment are used.This non-surgical method is highly effective in removing the tattoos without causing any pain and scarring. The number of sessions would vary depending upon the composition of the tattoo pigment, depth of the pigment, technique of placement, color of the tattoo etc. The sessions are generally performed 6-8 weeks apart.