Luminous and refined, with plump volume and soft, nourished skin. Who wouldn’t adore and aspire to such elegant beauty? I’m sure all women do. You will now begin to recall the faces of all the attractive women you admire and make educated guesses about how they manage to look so endearing.

Hollywood Peel, often referred to as carbon peel, is one such “magical” procedure that offers that fanciful, silky texture and perpetual glow. (And you thought that the gorgeous appearances of Hollywood celebrities were simply the result of makeup.) Actually, a lot of celebrities opt for carbon peeling prior to their red carpet appearances since it provides rapid brightness and plumping with little to no downtime.

After the skin has been thoroughly cleaned, an even layer of carbon paste is applied, and it is allowed to dry. The eye region is adequately shielded from the pack. The carbon particles enter your oil gland and aid in reducing oil production (especially beneficial for acne). Additionally, the carbon is heated using the laser’s “genesis mode,” which aids in heating the collagen in the skin’s deeper layers and has a firming impact.


Additionally, the “Toning mode” is used afterward, blasting the carbon particles on the face and removing debris and dead skin in the process, leaving your skin thoroughly and flawlessly cleansed. Your skin becomes invigorated fast, and the surface has a healthy, luminous glow. This occurs as a result of carbon peeling, which guarantees removal of open pores, imperfections, and dead skin cells. In addition, when your skin is deeply cleansed, acne and pimple outbreaks are also managed and prevented. Additionally, the skin produces more collagen at a faster rate, giving the appearance of plumper, more voluminous skin.

Compared to other treatments, carbon peeling offers a lot of advantages. It isn’t particular to any one gender or skin type, to start. Therefore, anyone, male or female, can definitely receive this treatment. Furthermore, you won’t have to bother about determining the compatibility and portability of your skin type. Additionally, carbon peeling destroys blackheads, oily skin, enlarged pores, and dull skin, leaving behind clean, smooth, glowing, and soft skin. After the procedure, there is very little downtime, and the patient is free to go to any party or other event.

Under the guidance of Dr. Sonia Mangal, we at Myra Skin & Hair Solutions, offer carbon peeling following a comprehensive skin assessment. An FDA-approved instrument is utilized for the process. Visit the clinic for more information, or call 7042074628 to schedule an appointment.