Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?

Both men and woman seek laser hair removal to remove unwanted hair. Laser can remove hair from all parts of the body including the face, neck, arms, underarms, abdomen, back and legs. It can also treat sensitive areas like the chest and bikini line. Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?
Both men and woman seek laser hair removal to remove unwanted hair. Laser can remove hair from all parts of the body including the face, neck, arms, underarms, abdomen, back and legs. It can also treat sensitive areas like the chest and bikini line.

How Dose laser hair removal work?

We at MYRA SKIN CLINIC in SOUTH DELHI use G P FAST Alex laser that eliminates unwanted hair by emitting a beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair (melanin). The energy of the laser is concentrated in the hair shaft, effectively destroying it without affecting the surrounding skin. GP FAST alex is the most effective of all laser wavelengths for hair removal.

How many treatments will I need and how far apart are they scheduled?

Most patients need at least 6 effective treatments spaced 4-12 weeks apart.

Why do I need several treatments?

Hair growth occurs in 3 stages: Anagen (growth phase), catagen (regression phase), Telogen (resting phase). Laser hair removal only affects the early Anagen stage therefore, approximately twenty-five-percent of hair is removed with each treatment.

Are the results Permanent?

Laser hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and the US FDA approved them for “permanent hair reduction”. To achieve a satisfactory level of clearance, 6-8 treatment are typically required.

IS the treatment painful?

The laser gently heats targeted hair follicles. Its high power contact cooling ensures the surface of the skin stays cool and comfortable throughout your treatment.

What should I do before my treatment?

Try to avoid sun exposure. Hair can be more aggressively treated without a fresh tan. Having hair is essential to having a successfully treatment. You cannot wax, tweeze, thread or have electrolysis for 4 weeks before a treatment. The best way to manage hair before is to shave or trim.

What should I expect after treatment?

After the treatment, the skin may be red and bumpy .This is absolutely normal. Post treatment, we recommend protecting the area from the sun to avoid any additional heat to the area, as well as avoiding activities such as exercise, saunas, and other activities which may irritate the area or induce heat for 24-28 hours immediately after treatment.