Ageing is more than skin deep

The face is one of the first parts of the body to show signs of ageing. As we age, its easy to focus on visible signs such as wrinkles. However, the  signs of ageing are  often the result of changes to the deeper layers of the face

Facial ageing in 20s

In their early twenties , patients should be making the most of their  Smooth contours, glowing skin ,full cheek and lips.

Explain that while its fun to bare it, prevention and making sunscreen essential will ensure the skin stays healthy through life .In their mid to late twenties patients may see changes in their skin-  feels drier ,signs of sun damage , or early signs of lines .

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) naturally occurring in skin is a key molecule responsible for skin moisture as well as skin ageing , and it starts declining from the age of25.


Patients may begin to notice gravity taking a toll on their face, especially in the brows and chin areas.

Skin may appear less supple with a few broken capillaries or larger pores beginning to develop

Thin lines may appear to form including crow’s feet and smile lines.


With increasing age (> 25 years) skin loses its ability to produce the optimum amount of hyaluronic acid, dehydration occurs and skin thins and wrinkles occur.



Hormones can be challenging for patients and in the years leading into menopause ,they may start to notice signs of their life experiences appearing  on their faces .Laughter and expression lines will start to become more obvious with cheeks and eyelids beginning to sag ,jowls beginning to form and the tip of the nose starting to droop daily use of sunscreen and a dedicated skin care routine will be vital to preserving beautiful skin .When the  body does not produce sufficient hyaluronic acid , skin loses moisture ,and skin ageing begins .



There are changes occurring beyond the surface of the skin including muscles, fat pads, and bone structure .In their 50s, the expressive wrinkles can deepen and they notice less volume in their mid-face and cheek areas . A proper skin care regime with sun protective measures to prevent sun damage and to stop the progression of existing hyperpigmentation becomes essential. When the body does not produce sufficient hyaluronic acid, skin loses moisture and skin ageing begins .


A time to age gracefully.

Broken blood vessels may appear on the face and and age spots may develop around the hair line and neck.Wrinkles will deepen in the upper Face  while skin may continue to lose the  youthful volume and elasticity around the cheeks and sings of sagging skin will be more obvious .




BOTOX ® is not safe.


BOTOX® is extensively researched with over 2800 published studies. It has been used in over 35 million treatments worldwide. It is in use for more than 25 years. It goes through rigorous testing, before getting into a final product. It is so safe, that it can be injected to children suffering from cerebral palsy ,that too in a very high dose, as compared to the dose used in cosmetic indications.


BOTOX® makes the face look unnatural, frozen or expressionless.


IF BOTOX® is injected by a trained and experienced physician, it leads to a very natural, smooth and satisfactory look.


BOTOX® is habit forming.


It’s absolutely up to you if you want to repeat the treatment. The effect of the procedure lasts for 4to 6 months after which the skin reverts to the baseline, from where the treatment was given. The skin doesn’t worsen at all, if you do not undergo these procedures again


BOTOX® procedures are only for celebrities.


Everyone deserves and aspires to look their best. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, these procedures are most widely used by common people and not only by celebrities.


BOTOX® is very expensive procedure.


These procedures are generally not very expensive and quite affordable, if you compare the amount, that is usually spent on facials, massages and other superficial/surface remedies. Also, the cost depends on the area, which you want to treat.


BOTOX® procedure is very painful.


While going through a BOTOX® procedure, you will experience minimal discomfort as much as an eyebrow threading or any other skin surface treatment like lasers.






Electrolysis – Explained in depth

ELECTROLYSIS -permanent hair removal
ELECTROLYSIS -permanent hair removal

Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal treatment. Unwanted body hair has been a problem, particularly for women. Electrolysis offers a solution to this problem. It has gained a lot of popularity in the recent times owing to the advantages it offers. The process works by inserting a very fine needle like probe into every individual hair follicle. It uses shortwave radio frequencies in hair follicles to stop new hair from growing. This damages your hair follicles to prevent growth and causes existing hairs to fall out. However, you’ll need multiple sessions for the best results.



Types  of Electroepilation

Depending on the of electrical current used electroepilation is categorised into 3 types.

  1. Eletrolysis(chemolysis) using direct (galvanic) current.
  2. Thermolysis using high frequency alternating current.
  3. Blend using combination of both direct and alternating current.


Mechanism and General Principles

In all electro epilation techniques the needle is inserted into follicular opening down to the level of follicular germinative cells. These along with the dermal papillae are destroyed by passing electric current so as to achieve permanent hair removal.

Following factors play a crucial role in the success of any electro epilation procedure.

  1. Depth of needle insertion                                                                                                                                                                                    

This is determined by hair shaft diameter. Thicker hair( larger diameter hair) require deeper needle insertion into the follicle for adequate follicular destruction without scarring . The hair follicle depth varies from 1 to 5 mm being deeper for thicker hair and vice versa .

B) Moisture content of hair follicle

Water is necessary for  transmitting electric energy from needle to dermal papillae and hence needle must be inserted up to bottom  of hair follicle as this part is wetter than superficial .

C) Intensity and duration of current

High intensity current for short duration or low intensity current for longer duration produces damage to the stem cells of the hair follicle . This will depend on technique of electro epilation used and pain tolerance of patient . Coarse hair require longer treatment than fine hair .

D) Follicular shape

      Due to difficulty in placing the needle accurately in the hair follicle, electro epilation is difficult to perform on curly or wavy hair.

E) Anagen vs shape

Follicles only in anagen phase should be treated as telogen hair are thought to be more resistant to damage.  Anagen hair is distinguished from telogen by their appearance following shaving few days prior to electro epilation. Shaving the area 2 to 5 days before electrolysis greatly increases efficacy because it ensures that only growing anagen hairs are epilated.


Glutathione is one of the most potent antioxidants and helps in neutralising the reactive oxygen species in the body that form due to exposure to ultraviolet rays and other environmental pollutants. It is thus capable of preventing damage to our body organs caused by  reactive oxygen speciesfree radicalsheavy metals etc

Also known as GSH (REDUCED GLUTATHIONE) ,it is a tripeptide composed of 3 amino acids  -glycine ,cysteine and glutamic acid. It is produced by the liver and is involved in tissue  repair, production of certain proteins essential for the body, and in functioning of healthy immune  system .

GSH depletion has been strongly associated with many diseases, loss of function, autoimmune conditions ,liver diseases and aging.


Glutathione can be administered in the form of intravenous drips, inhalants, topical solutions, transdermal patches, lozenges, sublingual preparations etc. Though the primary function of glutathione is to protect cells from toxic injuries it also helps prevent other chronic ailments of the body.

As a dietary supplement, GSH offers multiple benefits such as improvement of liver abnormalities better management of sugar in diabetic patients, protection from viral infections and cancers. It is even used to treat autism. Glutathione fights against reactive oxygen species, reduces toxin levels, makes skin healthier and glowing. Recently, glutathione is getting popular for its antiaging and skin lightening properties. It has been proven to significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles and increase skin elasticity.

Glutathione has regulatory properties on melanogenesis which are responsible for the skin lightening action of glutathione. The double bonanza of antiaging and complexion enhancement with glutathione is a treat for your skin. At MYRA SKIN AND HAIR SOLUTIONS, we specialise in skin lightening treatments with glutathione. For more information, contact us today.

Role of “Dipalmitoyl Hydroxyproline” In Anti-Aging Skin Care Products And Lip Balms

Collagen Ais the most abundant protein in the human body. It is present in the skin (dermis) and the connective tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc).

Collagen being an insoluble and hard ,fibrous protein plays an important role in the strength, structure and the elasticity of the skin. It has a triple helical structure and is primarily composed of three amino acids – proline , hydroxyproline and glycine.

“Dipalmitoyl Hydroxyproline” is a common ingredient in your anti-aging skin creams and lip care products. This is due to the fact that this miraculous ingredient is naturally derived and has ability to stimulate the production of collagen owing to the Hydroxyproline in it.

It has potential protective effects on collagen and elastin. Also , Dipalmitoyl Hydroxyproline has anti-oxidant action and scavenges the free radicals (reactive oxygen species) produced during smoking, UV radiation exposure, stress, pollution, etc. Free radical damage is a potential contributing factor in accelerating the skin aging process and causing damage to the cellular DNA.

Thus, Dipalmitoyl Hydroxyproline is an excellent ingredient to watch out for in your anti-aging skin care creams and lip care products as it serves three purposes – rejuvenation , long lasting soothing hydration and anti-aging.

For more information, visit www.myraskinclinic.com or call on +91-7042074628

Body Contouring

The quest for a desirable body shape and slim figure has been prevalent amongst both the sexes for ages. With the major role of social media platforms like Instagram in influencing the lives of many people , there is a set standard for beauty and body image in the minds of many adolescent girls and women . Overwhelmed people sometime resort to crash dieting, weight loss pills etc to achieve the same. The concept of Body Contouring is not limited to the Western world anymore and is very popular in  the metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai etc. . It is catching up fast in small towns as well. From celebrities to housewives, every individual is becoming body conscious and beauty conscious. In the professional front as well, people who are fitter are perceived to be more dedicated, disciplined, focused and attractive than their non-fit counterparts. 

Body contouring or body sculpting is the process of removal of excess/resistant/stubborn fat  which fails to go despite excessive workout and following a strict diet. The process also helps in tightening of loose skin  to  achieve desirable shape. Body contouring is a mixture of art and science and includes different techniques to help reshape the body. This was possible only with surgery in earlier days but now the times have changed. Dermatologists are now widely practicing the non-surgical modalities of body contouring keeping in mind the work schedule and active social life of the clients. The key to a fit body undoubtedly is a balance between calorie intake and exercise. However, certain pockets of fat are very resistant and fail to go despite diet and exercise and this is where the scope for body contouring or body shaping procedures lies. 

Fat is present in the third layer of the skin and is arranged in the form of lobules separated from each other by septa. The fibrous septae consist of blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics. Each lobule consists of fat cells, which consist mostly of lipids that fill up the most of the cell.

A substantial percentage of people face issues like obesity and cellulite owing to the sedentary lifestyle and food habits .This has a significant impact on the overall health and quality of life on an individual increasing the risk for deranged cholesterol and lipid levels, heart diseases , blood pressure, diabetes etc. Body contouring techniques are a great boon for such people where in there is no down time involved and the person can resume his/her work immediately after the procedure.

Obesity can be classified as upper body obesity (android-type) or lower body obesity (gynoid type). In android obesity , extra fat is deposited in the abdomen and upper body giving the shape of an apple whereas in gynoid obesity the extra fat is deposited in the hip and thigh area giving the shape of a pear . Android obesity is more frequently seen in the men and is associated with obesity – related metabolic complications and cardiovascular  diseases than gynoid – type obesity which is  more common in women.                                                

When a person begins to put on extra weight, the  fat cells increase in size (hypertrophic obesity).This is characteristic of android type abdominal obesity and is associated with increased risk of heart diseases and metabolic abnormalities. This type of obesity generally starts in adulthood and responds better to all weight loss and body contouring treatments.

However, if he/she continues to put on more and more weight ,there is an increase in the fat cell number as stem cells get converted to fat cells (hypercellular or hyperplastic obesity). Hypercellular obesity generally starts in childhood or adolescence and responds poorly to body contouring methods.

Diet and exercise help to decrease the size of the fat cells i.e. they shrink in size but the fat cell number remains intact. 

Body mass index (BMI) is the most commonly used tool for classification of overweight and obesity. It is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by height in square meter (kg/sq m).A person with BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is healthy and less than 18.5 is underweight. BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and >30 is termed obese and this is further graded as mild (BMI between 30-35), moderate (BMI between 35-40)  and morbid obesity(BMI>40) .

For more information, visit www.myraskinclinic.com or call on +91-7042074628

Acne Treatment

Acne is a common skin problem and can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. Hence, prompt and apt treatment is necessary.

The 4 main factors responsible for acne are

  1. Excessive oil production (seborrhea)
  2.  Overgrowth of bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes)
  3.  Inflammation
  4.  Altered keratinization of the ductal epithelium

The various predisposing factors for acne are

  • Consumption of foods with high glycaemic index (potatoes, white rice, French fries, sweets, chips, cornflakes, watermelon etc)
  •  Excessive consumptions of dairy products such as low fat/skim milk, cheese etc.
  • A diet which has low glycaemic index, more fiber , more zinc, selenium, chromium is helpful in acne.
  •  Stress leads to aggravation of acne while acne itself can lead to distress.
  • Smoking is one of the major culprits in acne flares these days.
  • Seasonal changes also play an important role. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, high humidity conditions , excessive sweating are responsible for flare of acne during the summer season.
  • Application of products such as makeups, moisturizers etc. with comedogenic ingredients such as coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil , linseed oil, oleic acid, beeswax, cocoa butter, isopropyl myristate , stearyl alcohol, lanolin, butyl stearate etc .
  • Facials can trigger acne in predisposed individuals .
  • Exposure to oil vapors during cooking 
  • Waxing , threading , shaving may cause follicular irritation .
  • Certain medicines such as steroids, multivitamins(vitamin B12), oral contraceptive pills can trigger acneiform eruptions.

In certain predisposed individuals, acne if not treated early can lead to extensive scarring (which may be atrophic or hypertrophic).

A holistic approach works best in the management of acne with topical ,systemic and procedural therapies.

For more information, visit www.myraskinclinic.com or call on +91-7042074628

Skin Whitening

Pigmentation and dark skin is an important component of dermatology consultations in the Asian population. Melasma appears to be the most common pigmentary disorder with a huge prevalence. Hyperpigmentary disorders have serious social and psychological connotations  for the person and can impact the quality of life significantly.  There is an intense and growing demand for a lightened skin color and females have been trying hard for years to pursue their dream to get a lighter skin tone without damaging their skin .

Indian skin is traditionally defined as Asian skin but this is not precise as Indian skin shows a remarkable variability from Kashmir to Kanyakumari . Fitzpatrick skin type 2-6 can be seen in India’s varied ethnic groups.

Post –inflammatory hyper pigmented marks due to healed acne lesions, melasma, pigmentation of the corners of the lip, around the lips , on the forehead , around the eyes ,pigmentation on the nose etc are the common complaints .

Hyperpigmentary disorders could be superficial (epidermal) and deep(dermal). This is defined by the location of the pigment .Most of the creams  do not reach the deep layers  in therapeutic concentrations and therefore cannot cure the deep pigmentation. 

The epidermal pigmentation can be melanocytic pigmentation , where there is an increase in the number of melanocytes(melanin producing cells) or melanotic pigmentation due increased formation of melanin (the black pigment)in melanocytes .

Certain conditions however may act through both these mechanism to cause increased pigmentation .Ultraviolet light causes skin darkening through both of the above mentioned mechanisms. It can also lead to production of reactive oxygen species which may cause melanocyte stimulation to produce more melanin.

Lastly certain drugs and systemic diseases may act by a variety of methods to influence melanogenesis and cause hyperpigmentation .

A plethora of skin lightening agents is available and is quite popular in the masses. It’s prudent to use the skin lightening agents in a time sequential manner to avoid side effects. It is also important to judiciously combine these preparations with various procedures like chemical peeling, microdermabrasion ,lasers etc. under the guidance of a dermatologist.

Glutathione is the most commonly supplement in skin whitening regiments. It is a naturally occurring antioxidant and the human liver can produce it, and it is also present in several foods.

Glutathione is synthesized in mammals from three amino acids, glumate, cysteine and glycine. It is available in dietary form in watermelon, spinach, broccolis ,walnuts, oranges and tomatoes. It is primarily a free radical scavenger. Low levels of glutathione have been implicated in many diseases. Glutathione is used in the treatment of  Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s   disease, multiple scleroisis, alcoholic hepatitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Glutathione has many roles to play in supporting overall health. It can:

  • Neutralize the free radicals
  • regenerate vitamins C and E
  • remove mercury from the brain
  • regulate cell growth and death
  • activate antioxidant enzymes
  • boost up the immunity
  • slows aging process
  • reduces the chances of development of cancer and slows the cancer progression
  • helpful in cardiac diseases, liver diseases
  • help in better diabetic management and improve insulin resistance

Glutathione levels naturally decrease with age. However, poor diet and sedentarism can also reduce glutathione levels.

People can naturally increase their glutathione levels by making dietary and lifestyle-related changes. Also glutathione is available in the oral and injectable form to supplement the reduced glutathione levels in the body.

For more information, visit www.myraskinclinic.com or call on +91-7042074628

PRF – Platelet Rich Fibrin for Hair Loss

Platelet rich fibrin is an advanced form of PRP(Platelet Rich
Plasma) and works wonderfully to tackle the problem of hair
loss (alopecia) in both males and females.

It is an absolutely safe procedure with no downtime. PRF or
Platelet Rich Fibrin offers certain distinct advantages over PRP
or Platelet Rich Plasma in spite of having some basic
similarities. There is no additive (anticoagulant) that is mixed
with blood in a PRF unlike PRP and natural blood undergoes a
single step centrifugation.

PRP lacks regenerative potential however i-PRF has stem cells
with very high regenerative potential. The mechanism of results
obtained with PRF is in a similar fashion as PRP but the
concentration of growth factors, platelets and white blood cells
is higher in Platelet Rich Fibrin as compared to PRP. Hence the
results with PRF are superior in comparison to PRP.

The fibrin matrix in PRF acts as a scaffolding for the platelets ,
growth factors and the stem cells and prevents them from
diffusing. Also the growth factors continue to be released for
many days after the procedure unlike PRP and thus gives long
lasting results.

PRF when injected in areas of hair thinning gives very good
results over a period of 12 weeks. It is also used for facial

For more information, visit www.myraskinclinic.com or call on +91-7042074628

What foods should I eat for a Healthy Skin?

Wrinkles, sagging skin & loss of the skin elasticity are the common features of the “AGING SKIN”.

Intake of sugar can accelerate the signs of aging by promoting the cross-linking of collagen fibers which leads to structural changes in the skin such as reduced elasticity. Once these cross-links are formed, it is impossible to repair them.

Glucose and fructose link the amino acids in the collagen and elastin that are structural support of the dermis, producing AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products). This process is augmented  by the increased sugar levels in the blood and by UV exposure.

The cooking practices that add on to the process include grilling, frying and roasting. Foods that are protective include herbs and spices, such as oregano, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, garlic etc.


Nutricosmetics– the use of nutrition or nutritional supplements for skin health & beauty is gaining a lot of popularity these days.

This article enumerates the foods that help to keep your skin healthy and glowing.


Vitamin C is an important antioxidant and is required for the collagen synthesis in the body.

Citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, strawberries, papaya, broccoli are all foods rich in vitamin C.


It is a compound that occurs naturally in our body and is responsible for attracting and retaining moisture. With aging, it goes on depleting in the skin.

Hyaluronic acid is present in soy based foods, starchy root vegetables, leafy greens & citrus fruits.


Walnuts are a good source of essential fatty acids . These are the fats which the body cannot make on its own.

They also contain Vit E, Vit C, selenium, zinc and protein which helps in keeping the skin healthy.


Avocados are a good source of Vit E and healthy fats which are important for healthy skin and also offer protection from sun damage.


Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of Vit E calcium, zinc & protein. It is the best of the seeds as a source of skin revitalizing nutrients.


Broccoli is rich in many vitamins & minerals including VitA and  Vit C . It is also a good source of protein and zinc.

It also contains lutein, a carotenoid that helps to protect skin from oxidative damage.

Broccoli also contains sulforaphane which offers protection from cancer.


Tomatoes are a great source of  Vit C and contain carotenoids including lycopene & lutein. These are extremely helps in protecting the skin against sun damage and are good anti oxidants.



Microbotox is an innovative technique wherein Botox is injected in a high dilution in the dermis(the second layer of the skin).

Small doses are given at multiple points on the face and neck. The microinjections basically shrink the oil glands and the sweat glands which results in visible reduction of the pore size.

There is reduction in the secretion of sweat and oil as well leading to a clearer and oil free skin.

The treatment also helps in treating the fine lines and wrinkles and provides a subtle lift to the skin. Occurence of  acne is  diminised and improvement in the acne scars can also be witnessed with Microbotox.

This gives you the desired glow and sheen  without causing any “freezing” of the muscles.


Nonsurgical Nose Reshaping

Nose being the center of your face is one of the most distinctive features of the beautiful looking face.

The nose can be sculpted to give you the desired shape in a non-surgical manner with no downtime and no risks that are involved with a surgical rhinoplasty.

The procedure has many benefits such as the nose tip can be lifted and people with a low nasal bridge can expect a better height to the nasal bridge after the treatment.

The nose bridge can be made more defined and slimmer and any bumps if present, can be smoothened out.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is accomplished using hyaluronic acid-based fillers and/or PDO threads.

How long do the results last?
