11 Ways to Enhance Your Look with Dermal Filler Treatment

11 Ways to Enhance Your Look with Dermal Filler Treatment

The demand for non-invasive cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers, is steadily rising worldwide. The Kylie Jenners and Kim Kardashians of the world are not the only ones who receive the therapy. The following six factors have led even the general public to embrace dermal fillers:

  • Research developments to make these medicines safer
  • World-class dermatology clinics have made such therapies more accessible to the general public.
  • Good healthcare policy and a large amount of discretionary income
  • Growing awareness of cosmetic procedures among Gen Z and millennials
  • High prevalence of skin disorders
  • An increase in older people seeking to improve their appearance

We’ll pay close attention to the last point in this essay and learn how dermal fillers might enhance your appearance.

Here is an overview of dermal filler treatment first, though.

Dermatologists use this non-surgical technique to restore the fullness of your face by injecting a gel-like material beneath your skin to enhance volume and reduce wrinkles. The procedure is quite popular with people of all kinds because it is non-invasive and has no recovery period.

Let’s now examine the various applications and facial features that dermal fillers can improve.


#1 Smoothen Forehead
The skin beneath the very active facial expression muscles of the forehead is quite thin. Collagen breaks down and skin elasticity decreases as you age. This causes the forehead area to droop, lose volume, and wrinkle.

These areas are filled in and given volume by the dermal filler procedure. This improves your looks and makes you appear younger.

The results will last for more than six months.


#2 Increase the Upper Eyelid’s Volume
Because to the suppleness of their skin and the loss of fat cells, some people have dark, sunken eyelids. The upper eyelid will get the volume it needs from a series of dermal filler injections. Your facial age will significantly decrease as a result.

Dermal filler therapy for the upper eyelids serves a practical function in addition to enhancing attractiveness. For people with stroke paralysis or facial palsy, it is quite helpful. For those who have trouble closing their upper eyelids, fillers and weights will assist them close their eyes correctly.

The results should be available in around a year.


#3 Revitalize the Area Under the Eyes
The area surrounding the eyes is clearly showing signs of aging. Older adults frequently have discolored under-eye regions. Unexpectedly, it also impacts young people who live in poverty.

By enhancing the sunken appearance and minimizing dark circles, bags, and fine line corners, dermal filler treatment aids in the treatment of discolored regions. The process only takes one or two injections to satisfy the needs of both eyes because of the limited surface area.

The results should be available in around a year.


#4 Shape the Temples
The face’s temporal area is inherently bony. It is the space between the brow and the cheeks. The temples of a young, naturally plump face are larger, giving it an oval (or heart) shape. The slope will be mild as it approaches the cheeks. But as we age, our bones lose their volume and firmness, giving our temples a sunken or concave aspect. Those that are thinner naturally feel it sooner.

The upper face is smoothed and shaped by the dermal filler procedure, giving the appearance of a younger, more defined face. Temples are thought to be quite safe for dermal filler treatment, despite being the most challenging anatomical location to inject.

How long will the outcomes last? Approximately 2 years


#5: Form the Nose
Numerous cosmetic nasal defects, including asymmetrical noses, drooping nasal tips, crooked bridges, and minor lumps on the nose, can be corrected using dermal fillers. In order to produce a subtle yet obvious improvement, the filler is injected into the nose’s target regions, including the bridge, tip, and nostrils. The process is referred to as a “liquid nose job” and is most frequently performed as nonsurgical rhinoplasty.

The results should continue for about six to nine months.


#6 Lift the Midface

The midface experiences muscle atrophy, bone loss, and fat loss as people age, which causes wrinkles, fine lines, and hollowness in the skin. The good news is that dermal filler treatment can assist with all of these issues. For a non-surgical mid-face lift, the fillers are injected into the afflicted area.

The results should endure between six months and two years.


#7 Draw attention to the cheekbones. Our cheekbones make up a significant 70% of the beauty of our faces. The current age is completely enamored with it and views it as one of the main determinants of a person’s beauty. Because of this, there are a lot of people who are interested in cheekbone fillers, and the audience is not limited to older people.

You can get smooth cheeks free of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as cheekbones that are more pronounced, prominent, and properly shaped, with a dermal filler treatment.

The results should continue for six to twelve months.


#8 Strengthen the Folds of the Nasolabial
These folds are typically not regarded as an indication of age. But as you age, they become droopy and deeper. It is mostly brought on by rapid weight loss, environmental toxins, sun exposure, and collagen loss.

In order to make the area appear smoother, the dermal fillers plump it up and reduce the lines and wrinkles surrounding the creases.

The results will be available for one to one and a half years.


#9 Make Your Lips Plumper
One aspect of the face that most individuals are worried about and wish to improve is the lip. Sun exposure, smoking, and heredity are the main causes of lip volume decrease.

Lip fillers can restore the appearance of your lips or add volume. Lip fillers postpone surgical lip augmentation or lip lift if you plan to have one, even if they are not intended to reverse the aging process.

The results should be available in 12 to 18 months.

#10 Make Marionette Lines less noticeable
These wrinkles cause the lower half of the face to appear sagging and are located between the mouth and the chin. Although these lines often appear in your 40s, some people may see them as early as their 20s or 30s.

Dermal fillers remove sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles by simulating the actions of collagen and elastin. This gives the lower half of the face a considerably firmer appearance by lessening the appearance of Marionette lines.

The outcomes could endure for up to a year.


#11 Make the jawline appear more defined.

Because of aging or heredity, many people have a weak jawline, drooping jowls, baggy skin, bone loss, and extra fat around the neck and lower face.

The appearance of the jawline is significantly improved by the jawline filler operation, sometimes referred to as jawline contouring. Youngness and beauty are characterized by a powerful jaw. The process results in a sharper-looking, symmetrical jawline. Your appearance of aging is greatly diminished by a well-defined foundation and facial frame with an oval-shaped jawline.

It is possible for the findings to persist for up to two years.


In conclusion
When applied correctly, dermal fillers can be a very effective way to improve characteristics and reduce the appearance of aging. When done by skilled dermatologists, the adverse effects are reduced and the outcomes might be excellent. The best dermatologist can be chosen in three ways:

Select a licensed dermatologist who has enough experience to perform the treatment without any negative consequences.
Select a dermatologist who makes use of the best products available.
Select a dermatologist with excellent treatment expertise. Keep an eye out for patient endorsements and reviews across multiple platforms.

You can see Dr. Sonia Mangal at Myra Skin & Hair Solutions, who examines all of the aforementioned factors. She has been treating dermal fillers for more than ten years. It only takes a few sessions to fix, contour, and change the form and appearance of your features. Click here to make an appointment.




Indian Skin Lightening Procedures: Types, Preparation, and Aftercare

Indian Skin Lightening Procedures: Types, Preparation, and Aftercare

In India, skin-lightening procedures are widely accepted. It is the most effective treatment for skin tanning, which is mostly brought on by exposure to the sun. Regretfully, a lot of people still do not protect their skin with sunscreen.

Now, it’s crucial to grasp India’s various skin kinds before learning more about skin lightening treatments.

India’s various skin kinds

Most people believe that the skin tone of the vast majority of Indians is wheatish. This is not at all the case, though. Due to its diversity, India is home to people with a wide range of skin tones.


Both extremities of the fairness range are represented in Indian skin color. To put it another way, there are people who are very dark and people who are very fair.

Indian skin is classified as type III–VI on the Fitzpatrick scale. Compared to people from other areas, they are said to be thicker, less likely to be sunburned, but more likely to get tanned.

Now let’s learn everything there is to know about skin lightening treatments, which are the greatest way to address pigmentation and tanning problems.


What is a procedure that lightens the skin?
A cosmetic technique called skin lightening aids in

Make your skin tone lighter.
Lighten the areas of your skin that are darker (pigmentation).

In the latter, just the skin’s darker regions are lightened to resemble the skin’s natural hue. Your skin will be smooth and even as a result.

The quantity of melanin your skin produces mostly determines the color of your skin. The darker your skin tone, the more melanin you contain. The amount of melanin produced in the skin depends on a number of factors, including sunshine, pollution, hormones, chemicals, and heredity.

Your skin will seem lighter and have a better texture thanks to the skin lightening treatment’s assistance in regulating melanin production.


Indian skin-lightening therapy types
In India, there are various kinds of skin-lightening procedures. Based on your skin type and the desired outcomes, your dermatologist would choose the best course of action for you. The many kinds are as follows:

1. Injections of glutathione
As a skin-lightening agent, glutathione indirectly lowers your body’s melanin content. It functions by preventing the synthesis of tyrosinase, an enzyme that is crucial in regulating melanin levels.

In addition, glutathione is an antioxidant that shields your body from the damaging effects of sunlight and aids in detoxification.


  1. Peel of Chemicals
    This skin-lightening procedure, as you might expect, involves removing a layer of your skin. In order to remove the melanin accumulation and promote even skin tone, the dermatologist applies a substance such as alpha-hydroxy acids to the afflicted area.

    Depending on how deeply the chemical enters your skin, there are three different types of peels: light, medium, and deep. The severity of your pigmentation condition will determine the type of peel that is selected.


  1. Laser Therapy
    In this procedure, the dermatologist will use a laser’s heat to either destroy the pigmented outermost layer of the skin or harm the cells that make melanin. This treatment works best to remove black spots or imperfections.


Even if it works better than other treatments, not all skin types respond to it in the same manner. In order to determine whether the treatment is suitable for your skin type, the dermatologist will typically perform a number of tests.

4. The vampire facial
This therapy is the newest trend and is widely shared online. Microneedling and platelet-rich plasma treatment are used to create the Vampire Facial. In order to injure the cells, microneedles are first used to pierce the epidermis’ outermost layer.

After that, PRP is added to accelerate the healing process and produce completely renewed skin.


Advice for skin-lightening treatment aftercare
You must take proper care of your skin by according to the following advice in order to maintain and attain the desired results:

  • Applying a cold compress to your skin can help relieve itching.
  • For at least twenty-four hours, stay out of the sun.
  • The treated region should not be massaged.
  • A permanent scar could result from touching or picking any scabs.
  • Drink enough of water to maintain healthy, moisturized skin.
  • To clean the treated region, use soaps containing glycolic or salicylic acid.
  • Eat a nutritious diet rich in fruits and fiber to promote recovery.


In conclusion
If you want to lighten your skin tone or have a smooth and even complexion, a skin lightening procedure is one of the greatest options. All of the skin-lightening procedures discussed in this article are quite safe because they are either non-invasive or minimally invasive.

However, as previously mentioned, it is crucial to choose a skilled dermatologist to administer the treatment if you wish to prevent side effects or get 100% results. With over a decade of experience in skin-lightening procedures, Dr. Sonia Mangal has previously assisted many patients in achieving lighter skin tones.



The Top 10 Skincare Mistake Men Make

The Top 10 Skincare Mistake Men Make

Here’s the thing, gentlemen: skincare isn’t just for ladies. Your skin also demands attention at times. After all, the adage “Men don’t groom” is out of date in the modern world, when first impressions are more important than ever. However, you are not alone if you have attempted to take care of your skin but have failed horribly. Because skincare may be so stressful, you may occasionally wonder why your routine isn’t producing the results you’re hoping for. Don’t worry, though! Today, we’re delving into the frequently disregarded topic of men’s skincare, identifying the most common errors guys make and providing solutions.


Mistake #1: Not regularly washing the skin
Consider your skin as a vast canvas that is in constant contact with the outside world. Throughout the day, it attracts dirt, oil, and other contaminants like a magnet. It only requires a basic act of purification to combat this. However, most guys tend to ignore this or rush through it in their pursuit of a minimal (or nonexistent) routine. They overlook the fact that oil and debris accumulation on the skin’s surface can block pores, resulting in breakouts, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Thus, make cleaning a part of your nightly and morning rituals. Keep in mind that maintaining healthy skin requires consistency.


Mistake #2: Not applying sunscreen
When it comes to sunscreen, most men have preconceptions. They believe it is only required when going out on a hot summer day or when spending a day at the beach. They might not completely comprehend the year-round need for sunscreen for everyday protection (even indoors) against UV rays. UV damage is real, people. One of the main causes of accelerated aging is exposure to UV radiation from the sun. It may eventually result in fine lines, wrinkles, and an uneven complexion.

Therefore, include sunscreen in your morning regimen without exception. Even if you spend the entire day indoors, apply it to your face, neck, and any other exposed skin that isn’t covered by clothing.


Mistake #3: Not applying a moisturizer
Men believe that only people with dry skin should use moisturizers. People with oily or typical skin types think that applying moisturizer will make their skin even more oily. But even greasy skin requires water. Your skin may become dry, flaky, and prone to irritation if it isn’t properly hydrated. By retaining moisture and keeping your skin from becoming dried like a desert, moisturizer serves as a barrier.

Choose a moisturizer based on the type of skin you have. Above all, develop the habit of moisturizing. Your skin will stay consistently hydrated with a morning and evening routine.


Mistake #4: Ignoring the area beneath the eyes
Targeted therapies, such as under-eye care, are frequently linked to femininity by traditional gender norms. This area may be neglected as a result of some males feeling pressured by society to follow certain standards. Because the skin surrounding your eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the rest of your face, this is a serious mistake. Ignoring this area unintentionally speeds up the onset of wrinkles, crow’s feet, and fine lines. Dark circles and puffiness can also result from neglect. They both exhibit signs of exhaustion and tension. In addition to seeming younger, a well-kept under-eye area exudes vigor.

Consequently, spend money on eye cream. Your eye area can benefit greatly from a focused eye cream. The majority of issues pertaining to the under-eye region can be resolved by using formulations that contain substances like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and caffeine.

Mistake #5: Poor shaving techniques
There are three common blunders males make during shaving. First of all, they speed the entire process, which causes razor burn, redness, and irritation. Two, they either use a dull blade or shave against the grain. Ingrown hairs are more likely as a result. Three, they shave unevenly because they don’t sufficiently prepare for shaving. Bid farewell to a neat, polished appearance and welcome to uneven stubble and missing places. After shaving, all of these errors turn your skin into a battleground.

Therefore, spend money on a high-quality, sharp-bladed razor. Wash your face hair with warm water to soften it before shaving. After shaving in the direction of hair growth, use a calming, alcohol-free aftershave to finish.

Mistake #6: Using too hot water to shower
The calming sensation of a hot shower is something we all enjoy. Particularly after a demanding day, the warmth offers a moment of relief. However, did you realize that dehydration can result from the skin losing its natural oils? This dehydration can worsen skin disorders like eczema and cause dry, flaky skin. Additionally, extended exposure to hot water might result in redness and irritation. Heat can cause blood vessels to dilate, increasing the skin’s susceptibility to inflammation and sensitivity.

Therefore, when taking a bath, always use room-temperature water. Use lukewarm water as a compromise if you truly enjoy hot water.


Mistake #7 is picking at your skin.
Everyone has a tendency to pick at their skin. This is frequently the result of restlessness or impatience. Hyperpigmentation and scarring may result from picking at the skin. This is especially true if the picking causes inflammation or sores. Some of the marks will be permanent and more difficult to remove. Second, picking at your skin can potentially lead to infections by introducing bacteria from your hands into open sores.

Therefore, establish a policy of not touching your face. Avoid the urge to pick at dry areas, scabs, or imperfections. Additionally, get advice from a dermatologist to try to address the underlying problem.


Mistake #8: Using feminine-oriented goods
Many guys choose easily accessible skincare products that are marketed to women out of convenience. Since these products predominate on our store shelves, they cannot be held accountable. Accessibility may result in options that aren’t always suited to men’s particular needs. Regrettably, chemicals in cosmetics made for women’s skin may not be the best for men’s skin. In certain situations, it may cause skin irritation or ineffective results. Additionally, skincare products designed for women occasionally concentrate on hormonal changes, which could not be in line with the main requirements of men’s skin.

Investigate skincare products designed specifically for males.


Mistake #9: Exfoliating excessively or insufficiently
Some people think that greater exfoliation leads to better outcomes. Excessive exfoliation may result from this, depriving the skin of its natural oils and causing dryness, redness, and heightened sensitivity. Conversely, inconsistent skincare practices may lead to insufficient exfoliation. Dead skin cells may accumulate as a result, which could cause plugged pores, a lifeless complexion, and a higher risk of acne.

Therefore, include exfoliation in your daily skincare regimen. Depending on the product and your skin type, aim for one to three times each week.


Mistake #10: Using harsh soaps
For many decades, some harsh soaps have been the standard. Because powerful, antiseptic cleansers are valued in cultural or familial grooming customs, men may use these products out of habit. The possible effects of these harsh soaps on their skin are not completely understood by them. To begin with, these soaps have the ability to deplete the skin’s natural oils, resulting in dryness and possible irritation. Second, the skin may become more sensitive and prone to redness if harsh soaps are used frequently.

Therefore, wherever possible, use mild, pH-balanced cleansers that thoroughly cleanse the face without removing its natural oils. Choose items that are gentle, fragrance-free, and appropriate for everyday use.


 It’s critical to identify and address common skincare errors made by males if you want glowing skin. These mistakes, which range from poor washing practices and ignoring important regions to selecting the incorrect products, can negatively impact the health of your skin. Men can start their path to a more robust complexion by admitting these errors and implementing healthier skincare routines. Make an appointment with Dr. Sonia Mangal right away if you want individualized skincare or treatments for any of your current ailments.


Treatment for Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation

Treatment for Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation: What Is It?
A cosmetic operation called chin augmentation is intended to improve the appearance of the chin region. The possibility of having a non-surgical skin enhancement procedure is what appeals to many people the most.

Chin augmentation has always required surgery, but new options have been made possible by developments in cosmetic medicine. A chin augmentation filler is a common technique for adding volume and definition to the chin without requiring invasive surgery.

The popularity of non-surgical skin augmentation procedures has led to a large increase in the demand for chin augmentation procedures in recent years.

Without undergoing surgery, people can improve the appearance of their chins with these non-invasive techniques. Using a chin augmentation filler, which entails injecting a specialized dermal filler to contour and reshape the chin, is one of the most notable alternatives in this category.

Chin Augmentation treatments at Myra Skin & Hair Solutions:

Fillers to improve the chin length and projection

For the submental fat and skin laxity-

Injection Lipolysis 




Since we employ safe, FDA-approved fillers that may be tailored to your needs, we offer a variety of double chin correction techniques. Fillers are gel-like materials that are injected beneath the skin to improve face contours by softening creases, smoothing lines, and restoring lost volume. At our clinics, we use Voluma, Volbella, and Volite, which are authorized fillers.

Volite is a hydration filler that is utilized to give you the ideal shaped chin by reducing fat cells around the chin. Voluma and Vobella are two dermal fillers.

Lipolysis via Injection
A minimally invasive chemical technique for reducing the quantity of fat cells in the target location is injection lipolysis. Prescription medication is injected into the targeted location; the chemical kills the fat cells, which are then eliminated by the body on its own. To reduce the fat around the chin, we employ the tried-and-true and ground-breaking Kybella and Aqualyx injections.

The synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, ATX 101, the active ingredient in Kybella, is naturally created by the body and aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

The deoxycholate family produces Aqualyx, a biocompatible and biodegradable solution. By creating a steady release sugar-based method, the biological half-life has been decreased with few adverse effects.

The process of cryolipolysis
The idea behind cryolipolysis is that fat cells may be destroyed at lower temperatures. Because fat cells freeze at a temperature that differs from that of the surrounding healthy tissues, this procedure previously targets the fat cells. The body’s lymphatic drainage then eliminates the damaged fat cells.

Utilizing FDA-approved Cooltech equipment from Spain that have met strict quality standards and been shown to be safe and effective for both clinical and cosmetic applications, we operate on the scientific premise of cryolipolysis. Having many cryolipolysis applicators makes it simple to target various body areas and get successful outcomes. Additionally, the machine is equipped with operational safety measures to ensure a smooth procedure.

Can Acne Be Removed by Chemical Peels?

Can Acne Be Removed by Chemical Peels?

Since they provide patients with a flexible and non-invasive option for a range of skin issues, chemical peels have long been a mainstay in dermatological and aesthetic practice. Acne is one of these issues that many patients find to be very problematic. It can feel like an endless quest to find a long-term remedy for acne for people who struggle with it.

What Is Acne?
Regardless of age or gender, acne is a common skin issue that can afflict many people at different periods of their lives. Acne can take many different forms, but it is usually characterized by red, swollen pimples on the skin that are occasionally unpleasant and hot to the touch. An oily sheen may also be present on the skin. Patients who suffer with acne may experience significant distress when it reaches its most severe stages, and it may be difficult to find a workable cure.


Regretfully, the majority of patients will battle acne for years, attempting various skin care routines and treatments with little to no success. Many patients may have conflicting emotions as a result of this, in addition to low self-esteem and confidence. For more sophisticated assistance in addressing these problems, many patients frequently seek the services of professionals like as dermatologists and aestheticians. Although there are several ways to assist people get clear, radiant skin, is a chemical peel effective for pimples?


Are Chemical Peels Beneficial for Acne?
In many instances, chemical peels have been shown to be successful in treating acne. This is because of their capacity to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells that clog pores and fuel the development of acne. The skin regenerates itself and the exfoliation process is started by carefully applying a chemical solution.

Because this therapy is customizable, depth adjustments—from light to deep peels—can be adjusted to meet each patient’s specific needs. The type of peel to be used, the patient’s skin type, and the severity of their acne are just a few of the many considerations that need to be carefully considered when using a chemical peel for acne scars.


Considerations for Chemical Peels in Acne Patients
1. Skin Type and Acne Severity
It’s important to determine the patient’s skin type and acne severity before suggesting a chemical peel for acne scars, especially if the patient has severe acne. Not every skin type responds well to every peel, and the depth of the peel should correspond with the severity of the acne.

2. Chemical Peel Type
Different skin issues are addressed by different chemical peels. Because beta hydroxy acid (BHA) peels, such as salicylic acid, are effective at entering oil-filled pores, practitioners frequently use them to treat acne. Salicylic peels can also lessen the visibility of big pores, which can help minimize acne and enhance the complexion overall.


  1. Getting Ready for Peeling
    It is crucial to give patients pre-peel preparation advice. This can entail avoiding the sun, making sure you’re getting enough water, and stopping specific skincare products or prescriptions. As part of the treatment procedure, aestheticians should also think about utilizing premium priming products.

The Takeaway
When properly customized to meet the needs of each patient, chemical peels for acne treatment offer a flexible and efficient alternative.

Although chemical peels can be a useful treatment for acne, it’s important to set reasonable expectations for clients who want to minimize the visibility of acne scars. While deeper peels could be required for more severe cases, superficial peels might assist to improve the appearance of minor acne. Chemical peels’ exfoliating and regeneration effects can lessen acne lesions, minimize scarring, and enhance the texture of the skin overall.


A Dermatologist’s Comprehensive Guide to Atopic Dermatitis

A Dermatologist’s Comprehensive Guide to Atopic Dermatitis

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis (AD), is the most common inflammatory skin condition in the world. Up to 15% of people are impacted by it at some point in their lives. This disorder usually affects persons who have a “atopic tendency,” meaning they have a family history of food allergies, asthma, or hay fever. People of all ages and colors are impacted.

Typically beginning in infancy, atopic dermatitis affects up to one out of every five children. 5–15% of young individuals up to age 26 may experience it, though it may disappear in late infancy and adolescence.


Which risk factors contribute to atopic dermatitis?

The following are risk factors for atopic dermatitis or eczema:

  • Soaps, detergents, and other chemicals, heat, dust, wool clothing, and dogs are examples of irritants.
  • A common cold or other illness may trigger a flare-up of atopic dermatitis.
    bacterial or viral infections.
  • Secondary bacterial infections necessitate specialized care and result in discolored, crusty, and inflammatory skin.
  • Depending on the affected area, a sudden, excruciating flare-up caused by an infection with the cold sore virus (Herpes simplex) can be fatal.
  • Skin that is dry
  • Rarely, food allergies might cause a flare.


Atopic dermatitis: what causes it?
Atopic dermatitis is a skin disorder that can be brought on by a number of things, such as environmental conditions and genetics. It is common for this illness to run in families. The skin barrier of affected individuals is altered by gene change, which permits irritating substances and particles to penetrate the skin and results in inflammation and irritation. Environmental factors include exposure to allergens, bacterial and viral infections, and skin contact with soap, detergents, and other chemicals.


Any part of the skin, including the face, can be affected by eczema. The most frequently impacted parts of the body are the neck, wrists, and creases around the elbow and knee joints. Usually, the afflicted skin is red and dry. It may get wet and tear during a flare-up when it is very active. When the skin on the palms and soles gets inflamed, little blisters packed with fluid develop. Repeated scratching can cause skin to thicken (a process called lichenification), which makes it itchy. The skin may lighten or darken (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation) as it recovers. Months may pass before it is resolved.


Which symptoms are indicative of atopic dermatitis?
The skin condition known as atopic dermatitis causes dry, red, itchy skin that cracks and bleeds. Eczema causes the skin’s barrier to malfunction, leaving the skin drier and making it easier for allergens to enter, which can make the rash weepy, crusty, and prone to infection. The hands, face, neck, elbows, and back of the knees are all affected, and it typically first appears in infancy. Additionally, it is more common in the arid winter months.


What options are there for treating eczema or atopic dermatitis?
It is possible to treat eczema or atopic dermatitis, which helps avoid the painful or itchy flare-ups that this skin condition occasionally causes. Improving the skin barrier, reducing triggers, and treating flare-ups as soon as they happen are the main goals of eczema treatment.


  • Moisturisers
  • Topical treatments
  • Antihistamines
  • UV light
  • Other therapies


How may atopic dermatitis or eczema be prevented from affecting the skin?
Flares of eczema can be avoided by adhering to a simple skincare regimen. The following ideas could help reduce eczema’s effects:

  • Your skin should be moisturized at least twice a day. Ointments & creams: Pick one or several that suit your needs. Baby’s skin should be covered with petroleum jelly.
  • Take a shower or bath every day. Instead of using hot water, use warm water, and take a shower or bath for ten minutes or so.
  • Make use of a gentle cleanser without soap. Select a cleanser devoid of scents, colors, and alcohol. Young children can typically be cleaned with warm water without the need for soap or a bubble bath. Do not use a washcloth to scrub the skin.
  • Dry by patting. Use a soft towel to gently massage the skin after showering. While the skin is still wet, use a moisturizer (within three minutes).





Skin Boosters

Injectable skin boosters enhance the texture, elasticity, hydration, and general look of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a soft, gel-like substance that is injected beneath the skin as part of a skin booster therapy. This increases the skin’s elasticity, firmness, and radiance, giving it a general GLOW.


Skin Boosters: What Are They?
Injectable skin boosters enhance the texture, elasticity, hydration, and general look of the skin. In order to improve the overall condition of the skin, hyaluronic acid (HA), a soft, gel-like substance, is injected beneath the skin. This improves the skin’s elasticity, firmness, and radiance. Because they improve and increase the general quality and health of the skin, skin boosters are frequently referred to as skin quality.

How do skin-boosting products work?

Skin boosters improve wrinkles and fine lines by increasing the skin’s moisture levels and encouraging the synthesis of collagen, which results in firmer, younger-looking skin.


The fact that skin boosters are very effective at enhancing hydration and may be applied to a wide range of skin types and locations is another important advantage. The face, neck, chest, and hands are the most often used locations. Skin Boosters, as opposed to fillers, aid in enhancing collagen and elastin.


Are Skin Boosters Effective?
In a nutshell, yes! They do a fantastic job of improving skin tone and texture while addressing dryness, roughness, and small wrinkles. However, two maintenance treatments per year are recommended for optimal outcomes and hydration.


Eight Advantages of Skin Boosters
The following are some possible advantages, depending on the kind of skin booster and its ingredients:

  1. A more vibrant and improved complexion
  2. decrease in wrinkles and fine lines
  3. Skin tone that is healthier
  4. Increased moisture for “glowing” skin
  5. firmer skin tone and texture
  6. Increased suppleness of the skin
  7. Decreased arid areas
  8. An improvement in skin tone overall


What distinguishes dermal fillers from skin boosters?
Lift and longevity are the primary distinctions between dermal fillers and skin enhancers. While dermal fillers increase volume and reduce wrinkles to create a more youthful appearance, skin boosters add hydration, shine, and elastin.

Hyaluronic acid, a crucial component of both therapies, is injected beneath the skin with a needle. While skin boosters can last up to six months and require more frequent maintenance, dermal fillers can last anywhere from nine to twelve months.







Chin Augmentation

Non-Surgical Enhancement of the Chin

To improve your characteristics and increase your appearance, have a new non-surgical chin enlargement in Delhi!

The lower portion of the face serves as the chin’s anchor. It defines the beauty of the upper midface and is the opposite of the cheeks. A number of aspects, including the chin’s projection, strength, and overall face proportion and shape, must be taken into account when searching for non-surgical chin contouring. The other facial features may appear over-projected and create discordance if the chin is not positioned forward in harmony with them. In this situation, chin contouring with dermal filler therapy in Delhi is an option.


Without surgery, dermal fillers can improve face harmony. The structure and appearance of the jawline may be revitalized and restored with dermal filler applied exactly at the angle of the chin area. It is possible to make a short chin and weak jawline look more noticeable. With Myra Skin & Hair Solutions’ non-surgical chin enhancement in Delhi, one can have a gorgeous and improved chin shape while maintaining a completely natural appearance with the best dermatologist treatments available.

Myra Skin & Hair Solutions’ minimally invasive chin augmentation procedure in Delhi softly but significantly improves face proportions. People can attain a more symmetrical profile and a more pronounced jawline using dermal fillers. For the benefit of both men and women, a numbing lotion may be applied prior to surgery.


Using Chin Fillers to Make the Chin Appear More Sculpted

The following issues can be resolved with chin fillers:

  • Size of the chin
  • length of the chin
  • Chin aging
  • Chin form and symmetry
  • Protrusion of the chin
  • Skin of the chin


What Advantages Does Chin Filler Offer?
By defining the facial profile’s outlines, a chin enlargement or reshaping in Delhi can instantly improve one’s appearance and confidence. The following are some of the numerous advantages of chin filler:

  • Enhance the jawline’s appearance and attain a distinct jawline.
  • Reduce the visibility of skin drooping beneath the jawline.
  • structural support and volume restoration for the chin
  • Diminish the look of jowls
  • It is possible to avoid sagging skin.
  • A more attractive face shape overall
  • Results that look natural
  • A younger look
  • Minimal invasiveness is maintained.
  • Very little downtime
  • It is advantageous to both men and women.


What does Chin Contouring seek to achieve?
The shape of the lower portion of the face can be influenced by genetics or age. An expert can:

  • Make a short or weak chin stronger.
  • Boost the ratio of the nose to the jawline.
  • Reduce the wrinkles that appear on the chin as you age.
  • Modify the angle of your chin.
  • Outline and contour the jawline.


How do fillers for chin augmentation work?
Injections of a soft, gel-like substance that clings to the skin’s water molecules are used in chin fillers, sometimes referred to as chin enlargement injections. This filler plumps and nourishes the skin around the chin, filling it in and giving it definition. Sometimes a soft filler is applied in the chin crease to soften the lines in the chin, and other times a hard filler is utilized to repair and contour the chin to create facial harmony.


Results of Non-Surgical Chin Enhancement
Following treatment, patients will experience rapid improvements that will last for the next two to four weeks. A person will notice subtle definition and plumpness that accentuate the jawline and chin. The skill lies in enhancing the sense of youth and brilliance while preserving their inherent beauty and avoiding an obviously augmented appearance.





PRP Breast Lift, also known as Vampire Breast Lift
Your breasts can be enhanced without surgery with a vampire breast lift (VBL). Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are used by providers to enhance skin texture and give the appearance of larger breasts. There is no downtime and very minor side effects, such as bruising, swelling, and discomfort. PRP breast lifts’ efficacy and long-term side effects are unknown.

A vampire breast lift: what is it?
If surgery is not yet necessary, a vampire breast lift (VBL) is a technique to enhance the appearance of your breasts. Injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) are used in VBL. Another name for this operation is a PRP breast lift.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): what is it?
Your blood is where platelet-rich plasma is found. Proteins found in PRP aid in cell development and blood coagulation.

In a centrifuge, which is a device that spins blood at high rates, providers separate PRP from the rest of your blood. Your blood is separated into three parts by the centrifuge:

plasma that is high in platelets.
white blood cells.
cells of red blood.


What is the purpose of a vampire breast lift?
If a surgical breast lift is not yet necessary, people may choose to get a PRP breast lift. Physicians who administer PRP injections to their patients’ breasts assert that it:

increases the protein elastin, which enables tissue to stretch.
encourages the production of collagen, a substance that gives your body structure.
encourages the development of new cells.

A vampire breast lift could be beneficial for:
Enhance the tone and texture of your skin.
Make your breasts appear larger and lifted.
minimize the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles.


Is it true that a vampire breast lift works?
The efficacy of vampire blood lifts, commonly referred to as PRP breast lifts, has not been investigated by scientists. The hazards and long-term adverse effects are unknown. Make important to speak with a dermatologist on the specific procedure if you’re thinking about getting a breast lift.

Procedure Specifics
What takes place prior to a breast lift with PRP?
You and your provider will discuss your goals during a consultation before to a PRP breast lift. Your supplier will:

Inquire about your medical history.
Look at your breasts.
Talk about the results you hope to achieve from the process.


How does a vampire breast lift go?
Your doctor will draw blood during a vampire breast lift, usually from your arm. To extract the PRP, the blood will be spun in a centrifuge.

To lessen your irritation during the treatment, your healthcare professional will apply a numbing lotion to your breasts. After that, they inject PRP into various breast locations using a tiny needle.

Usually, the shots take 20 minutes or so. Typically, the entire process takes less than an hour.

How long does it take to recover from a PRP breast lift?
Over the course of three to four weeks following a PRP breast lift, you might observe a gradual firmness and smoothness of your breasts. Two to three months may pass before the final results are seen.


Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal Fat Removal

By surgically removing fat pads in the lower cheek, buccal fat removal—also known as buccal lipectomy or cheek fat removal—can result in a thinner face.


What You Must Understand

  • By eliminating all or part of the buccal fat pad in the lower cheek, buccal fat excision reshapes the face.
  • The fat cells that are eliminated do not regrow.
  • There are no facial scars from the incision, which is done in the mouth on the inside of the cheek.
  • Insurance does not cover this elective and cosmetic treatment.


Buccal fat removal: what is it?
By removing fat from the lower cheek, buccal fat reduction is an elective plastic surgery operation that narrows the lower face and highlights the jawline and cheekbones.

The pad of adipose tissue (fat) beneath each cheekbone is called buccal fat. Each person has a different size and form for these cushions. The face may appear rounder if there is more fat in the buccal area.


Reducing buccal fat can make the face appear less round and more V-shaped while also defining the cheekbones and producing a shadow contrast between them and the lower jaw. Depending on the desired facial form, the treatment may involve the removal of all or part of the buccal fat. Because buccal fat pads do not regrow, the effects endure for a long time. However, if there is a substantial increase in weight, other fat cells in the face might enlarge.

Other facial cosmetic surgery treatments may be carried out in conjunction with the removal of buccal fat.


What distinguishes cheek liposuction from buccal fat removal?
Using a suction device and a thin tube, cheek liposuction removes fat from the face. Surgery to remove the fat pad beneath the cheekbone is known as buccal fat removal. The optimal technique for addressing cheek fullness and facial contouring might be suggested by your plastic surgeon.


Does removing buccal fat reduce smile lines?
The grin lines, which run from the corners of the lips to the sides of the nose, may be emphasized by large buccal fat pads. While some people may find that their deep smile lines become less noticeable after eliminating the buccal fat, this is not the procedure’s intended outcome. Deep smile lines can be more permanently removed by tightening the skin with a facelift.


Does the excision of buccal fat have an age limit?
Because the face’s structure and buccal fat pads fluctuate as people age, most doctors advise waiting until a person is between the ages of 18 and 20 before having any buccal fat removed. Some young kids who have a round face eventually grow out of it.

On the other side, if buccal fat is removed without additional treatments like a facelift, older persons who have less elastic skin may have sagging in the lower face.


Recuperation Following Buccal Fat Removal
Following buccal fat removal, recovery takes roughly three weeks, but as your face shape changes to accommodate the missing fat pads, benefits might not be seen right away. After a week, the swelling in your face will begin to reduce and eventually go away, exposing your results approximately two months later.

Throughout the healing process:


  • Following the excision of buccal fat, swelling and bruises are common.
  • Take five to seven days off from work and regular hobbies.
  • Eating softer meals might feel more comfortable throughout the first day or two.
  • Your mouth’s healing incisions could hurt for a while, and the area surrounding the incision might remain numb for a few weeks.
  • Ice packs applied to the outside of the jaw and over-the-counter pain medicines can help control the typical soreness at the incision sites.


Will the results of removing buccal fat remain as you get older?
How will I appear ten years after having my buccal fat removed? Before choosing this technique, it is a good idea to think about this question. The buccal fat pads do not regrow after being removed permanently. If you don’t lose or gain a lot of weight, your new face shape should persist.

The slimming effects of buccal fat reduction may be exacerbated by aging. People naturally lose facial muscle mass and fat as they age. Furthermore, the skin may relax and start to droop.


Some patients who have had cheek reduction surgery have observed that their faces look older than they would have thought years later, which may be explained by this normal process. A person can maintain a smoother, younger-looking appearance as they age by having some buccal fat in their cheek.



Recognizing Cyst Types, Management, and Treatment

Recognizing Cyst Types, Management, and Treatment
There are numerous reasons why strange bumps and lumps appear beneath the skin. One of the most prevalent kinds of skin bumps is a cyst. Cysts are common skin growths that can be treated. They can be unpleasant or cause cosmetic concerns, even though they rarely cause pain. With minimal disruption to your daily routine, there are easy methods for treating cysts and improving the health and appearance of your skin. Dr. Sonia Mangal explains what exactly cysts are, their various kinds, and dermatological treatment options in this blog.

What Is a Cyst?

Cysts are skin lesions that appear when a fluid-filled, oil-filled, keratin-filled, or other skin cell-filled sac forms within the skin. Cysts can form on any area of the body and in individuals of any age. Cysts are typically little when they initially appear, and they could resemble a pimple. Cysts are usually undetectable until they enlarge. Most cysts are benign, or noncancerous, growths. Since cysts don’t usually have negative side effects, therapy for them could not even be advised in some circumstances. Cysts that become uncomfortable, infectious, catch on objects, or cause discomfort should be treated.


Cyst Types
The majority of people believe that all cysts are the same, yet there are numerous varieties with distinct symptoms and underlying reasons, according to Dr. Sonia Mangal. Your dermatologist will obtain information to determine the precise type of cyst they are treating before prescribing treatment. This will enable them to deliver the finest care suggestions. Among the most typical kinds of cysts are the following:


  • Baker’s cysts: these cysts develop as a result of arthritis, trauma, or surgery. They grow in the vicinity of the knee. If left untreated, Baker’s cysts can cause problems with knee mobility. Orthopedic specialists are frequently needed for the treatment of cysts surrounding joints.
  • Breast cysts: These cysts can arise from damaged or obstructed milk ducts. Fluid accumulates as a result of this. Your basic care physician or a women’s health expert should handle this kind of cyst.
  • Chalazia: tiny cysts on the eyelids are caused by clogged oil glands close to the eyes. Though most are painless, chalazia can impede eyesight and cause discomfort and swelling. Warm compresses or a specific eyelid cleanser are two forms of treatment. Sometimes a referral to an eye expert is necessary.
  • Cystic acne: Severe acne might lead to longer-lasting cystic acne. Scarring and discomfort are two possible outcomes of cystic acne. Although it’s rather frequent among young adults and teens, it normally gets better with age. In order to prevent permanent scarring, severe cystic acne frequently needs more intensive therapy. Treatment alternatives might be discussed with a dermatologist based on the acne’s severity.
  • Epinephroid cysts: these cysts occur inside of hair follicles. Instead of gradually shedding over time, the outer layers of skin develop into the hair follicle, resulting in the formation of epidermoid cysts. These frequently leak and smell bad. A straightforward method that involves removing the whole sac from the skin might be used to eliminate them.
  • Ganglion cysts: these cysts are seen in the joints. Although ganglion cysts usually don’t hurt, if they are too big, they could become painful or interfere with movement.
  • Mucous cysts: These cysts develop around the mouth as a result of injury to the salivary glands. This frequently occurs following lip piercings, sports-related injuries, and cheek biting. Mucous cyst formation might also result from poor dental hygiene.
  • Pilar cysts: These form of cysts mostly affect the scalp, although they can also form inside hair follicles, much like epidermoid cysts do. They appear when the follicle becomes clogged with abundant keratin, the material that makes up hair and nails. A straightforward treatment that removes the cyst in its entirety can be used to remove them.
  • Pilonidal cysts: these cysts are more common in men and are frequently brought on by ingrown hairs. Typically, pilonidal cysts develop in the buttock cleft. Pilonidal cysts are highly prone to infection because of their location, and they nearly always need to be treated medically.
  • Sebaceous cysts: Sebum is the body’s naturally occurring moisturizing oil. The sebaceous glands are the source of this oil. A sebaceous cyst can develop when sebaceous glands are obstructed.


Can a Cyst Dissipate by Itself?
According to Dr. Sonia Mangal, most cysts won’t go away on their own, so you shouldn’t wait for yours to clear up on its own. Certain cyst kinds, meanwhile, won’t enlarge unnecessarily, hurt, or cause any other problems. It’s not always necessary to get rid of these. Certain cysts may lessen, but they won’t completely disappear unless the internal sac is removed.


Natural Treatments for Cysts
According to Dr. Sonia Mangal, there are a lot of cyst treatment ideas on the Internet, but the most of them are, at most, just marginally successful. Make an appointment with a dermatologist if treatment is needed for a cyst. You can treat cyst symptoms in the interim by following the easy at-home treatment guidelines listed below.


  • Cleaning: Keeping a cyst’s surrounding skin clean lowers the chance of infection. Several times a day, use a mild cleanser and give your skin a thorough water rinse.
  • Compresses: Warm compresses have been shown to improve circulation, which aids in the healing process. Additionally, they can enlarge the cyst to a point where infected cysts can drain. The greatest treatment for discomfort caused by irritated or painful cysts is cold compresses.
  • Bandaging: When a cyst starts to drain, cover it with a fresh bandage and change it frequently.


Indications a Cyst Requires Medical Care
Cysts might develop infected and burst if dermatologist care is not received. The material inside the cyst sac spreads beneath the skin in the event of a cyst rupture. As these materials are eliminated from your body, this may cause you great discomfort. Even worse, there is a chance that this ruptured cyst sac can shut, refill, and then rupture and reorganize again. Furthermore, the contents that leak from burst cysts might grow into new cysts. Scar tissue from ruptured cysts can make it more challenging to remove the cyst sac and break this cycle. There’s no way to predict when a cyst may burst if you don’t want to get it removed right immediately. Nonetheless, you should see a dermatologist right away if the cyst starts to show symptoms of infection, including redness, inflammation, pain, and heat to the touch.

Medical Cyst Treatments
Cyst treatments aim to either alleviate the symptoms or remove the cyst sac entirely, preventing the cyst from subsequently regenerating. Among the solutions that are most frequently suggested are:


  • Surgical removal: Anesthesia is used to the affected area during the procedure. After that, an incision is made using a scalpel. The cyst sac is removed in its entirety, if feasible. The dermatologist may decide to drain the sac first in order to reduce scarring from particularly big cysts
  • Injected cortisone: For cystic acne, these therapies are occasionally advised. Injections of cortisone reduce swelling, pain, and cyst size
  • Antibiotics: Oral and/or topical antibiotics can be used to treat infected cysts and stop the infection from spreading. Other treatment options might be investigated once the infection has subsided


Avoiding Cysts
Cysts are usually not avoidable. The chance of getting a cyst can be considerably decreased, though, by managing acne and other underlying conditions and adhering to a regular skincare regimen. “Working with a dermatologist to develop an effective skincare routine that is tailored to your skin type can significantly reduce risk for developing cysts,” suggests Dr. Sonia Mangal. Although treating cysts will be made easier by maintaining the general health of your skin, cysts cannot always be prevented from occurring.


See a Dermatologist for Assistance with Cyst Management, Lumps, and Bumps
In terms of dermatological cyst treatment, Dr. Sonia Mangal advises against delaying cyst treatment. There are numerous less invasive techniques for cyst removal, despite the fact that uncertainty can be stressful. Your dermatologist will see to it that you discover the best option for your requirements.




Do you always need to wipe your hands when someone shakes your hand? Does perspiration seep through your clothes even when you haven’t worked out or been in a hot climate? If so, it could be time for you to see a doctor. Because excessive and regular sweating may indicate hyperhidrosis, a medical condition.

Hyperhidrosis is characterized by profuse sweating even when the body is cool, in contrast to normal perspiration, which occurs when the body is hot.

There are two forms of hyperhidrosis that cause excessive perspiration:

  1. Hyperhidrosis primary:

    It’s an uncommon condition marked by profuse perspiration on the


  • The hands’ palms,
  • The foot soles,
  • In the axilla (under the arms)
  • Under the breasts or at the groin area.


  1. Hyperhidrosis secondary to:

    The individual perspires excessively as a result of physical, social, and/or underlying health issues.


    Causes of Primary Hyperhidrosis: When you have primary hyperhidrosis, you sweat because your nerves that normally signal your sweat glands become overactive even when there is no physical activity or temperature rise.

    The issue exacerbates when one is anxious or stressed. This kind typically affects your face, but it can also affect your palms and soles.


Secondary hyperhidrosis causes: Secondary hyperhidrosis is a result of your medical conditions.

  • A spinal cord injury -Abuse of alcohol
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Heart disease -Gout -Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism, or an over active thyroid
  • Parkinson’s disease -Obesity
  • Growth

Treatment: Injecting a protein preparation into the trouble area—typically your forehead or underarms—is one of the most efficient and well-proven methods of treating hyperhidrosis in Delhi.

The protein inhibits the eccrine glands’ ability to secrete sweat by relaxing the neurons supplying them in tiny quantities.

Results: You should experience less sweating in the treated area after receiving treatment for hyperhidrosis. This will continue for around half a year.