11 Ways to Enhance Your Look with Dermal Filler Treatment
The demand for non-invasive cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers, is steadily rising worldwide. The Kylie Jenners and Kim Kardashians of the world are not the only ones who receive the therapy. The following six factors have led even the general public to embrace dermal fillers:
- Research developments to make these medicines safer
- World-class dermatology clinics have made such therapies more accessible to the general public.
- Good healthcare policy and a large amount of discretionary income
- Growing awareness of cosmetic procedures among Gen Z and millennials
- High prevalence of skin disorders
- An increase in older people seeking to improve their appearance
We’ll pay close attention to the last point in this essay and learn how dermal fillers might enhance your appearance.
Here is an overview of dermal filler treatment first, though.
Dermatologists use this non-surgical technique to restore the fullness of your face by injecting a gel-like material beneath your skin to enhance volume and reduce wrinkles. The procedure is quite popular with people of all kinds because it is non-invasive and has no recovery period.
Let’s now examine the various applications and facial features that dermal fillers can improve.
#1 Smoothen Forehead
The skin beneath the very active facial expression muscles of the forehead is quite thin. Collagen breaks down and skin elasticity decreases as you age. This causes the forehead area to droop, lose volume, and wrinkle.
These areas are filled in and given volume by the dermal filler procedure. This improves your looks and makes you appear younger.
The results will last for more than six months.
#2 Increase the Upper Eyelid’s Volume
Because to the suppleness of their skin and the loss of fat cells, some people have dark, sunken eyelids. The upper eyelid will get the volume it needs from a series of dermal filler injections. Your facial age will significantly decrease as a result.
Dermal filler therapy for the upper eyelids serves a practical function in addition to enhancing attractiveness. For people with stroke paralysis or facial palsy, it is quite helpful. For those who have trouble closing their upper eyelids, fillers and weights will assist them close their eyes correctly.
The results should be available in around a year.
#3 Revitalize the Area Under the Eyes
The area surrounding the eyes is clearly showing signs of aging. Older adults frequently have discolored under-eye regions. Unexpectedly, it also impacts young people who live in poverty.
By enhancing the sunken appearance and minimizing dark circles, bags, and fine line corners, dermal filler treatment aids in the treatment of discolored regions. The process only takes one or two injections to satisfy the needs of both eyes because of the limited surface area.
The results should be available in around a year.
#4 Shape the Temples
The face’s temporal area is inherently bony. It is the space between the brow and the cheeks. The temples of a young, naturally plump face are larger, giving it an oval (or heart) shape. The slope will be mild as it approaches the cheeks. But as we age, our bones lose their volume and firmness, giving our temples a sunken or concave aspect. Those that are thinner naturally feel it sooner.
The upper face is smoothed and shaped by the dermal filler procedure, giving the appearance of a younger, more defined face. Temples are thought to be quite safe for dermal filler treatment, despite being the most challenging anatomical location to inject.
How long will the outcomes last? Approximately 2 years
#5: Form the Nose
Numerous cosmetic nasal defects, including asymmetrical noses, drooping nasal tips, crooked bridges, and minor lumps on the nose, can be corrected using dermal fillers. In order to produce a subtle yet obvious improvement, the filler is injected into the nose’s target regions, including the bridge, tip, and nostrils. The process is referred to as a “liquid nose job” and is most frequently performed as nonsurgical rhinoplasty.
The results should continue for about six to nine months.
#6 Lift the Midface
The midface experiences muscle atrophy, bone loss, and fat loss as people age, which causes wrinkles, fine lines, and hollowness in the skin. The good news is that dermal filler treatment can assist with all of these issues. For a non-surgical mid-face lift, the fillers are injected into the afflicted area.
The results should endure between six months and two years.
#7 Draw attention to the cheekbones. Our cheekbones make up a significant 70% of the beauty of our faces. The current age is completely enamored with it and views it as one of the main determinants of a person’s beauty. Because of this, there are a lot of people who are interested in cheekbone fillers, and the audience is not limited to older people.
You can get smooth cheeks free of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as cheekbones that are more pronounced, prominent, and properly shaped, with a dermal filler treatment.
The results should continue for six to twelve months.
#8 Strengthen the Folds of the Nasolabial
These folds are typically not regarded as an indication of age. But as you age, they become droopy and deeper. It is mostly brought on by rapid weight loss, environmental toxins, sun exposure, and collagen loss.
In order to make the area appear smoother, the dermal fillers plump it up and reduce the lines and wrinkles surrounding the creases.
The results will be available for one to one and a half years.
#9 Make Your Lips Plumper
One aspect of the face that most individuals are worried about and wish to improve is the lip. Sun exposure, smoking, and heredity are the main causes of lip volume decrease.
Lip fillers can restore the appearance of your lips or add volume. Lip fillers postpone surgical lip augmentation or lip lift if you plan to have one, even if they are not intended to reverse the aging process.
The results should be available in 12 to 18 months.
#10 Make Marionette Lines less noticeable
These wrinkles cause the lower half of the face to appear sagging and are located between the mouth and the chin. Although these lines often appear in your 40s, some people may see them as early as their 20s or 30s.
Dermal fillers remove sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles by simulating the actions of collagen and elastin. This gives the lower half of the face a considerably firmer appearance by lessening the appearance of Marionette lines.
The outcomes could endure for up to a year.
#11 Make the jawline appear more defined.
Because of aging or heredity, many people have a weak jawline, drooping jowls, baggy skin, bone loss, and extra fat around the neck and lower face.
The appearance of the jawline is significantly improved by the jawline filler operation, sometimes referred to as jawline contouring. Youngness and beauty are characterized by a powerful jaw. The process results in a sharper-looking, symmetrical jawline. Your appearance of aging is greatly diminished by a well-defined foundation and facial frame with an oval-shaped jawline.
It is possible for the findings to persist for up to two years.
In conclusion
When applied correctly, dermal fillers can be a very effective way to improve characteristics and reduce the appearance of aging. When done by skilled dermatologists, the adverse effects are reduced and the outcomes might be excellent. The best dermatologist can be chosen in three ways:
Select a licensed dermatologist who has enough experience to perform the treatment without any negative consequences.
Select a dermatologist who makes use of the best products available.
Select a dermatologist with excellent treatment expertise. Keep an eye out for patient endorsements and reviews across multiple platforms.
You can see Dr. Sonia Mangal at Myra Skin & Hair Solutions, who examines all of the aforementioned factors. She has been treating dermal fillers for more than ten years. It only takes a few sessions to fix, contour, and change the form and appearance of your features. Click here to make an appointment.