Acne Treatment

Acne is a common skin problem and can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. Hence, prompt and apt treatment is necessary.

The 4 main factors responsible for acne are

  1. Excessive oil production (seborrhea)
  2.  Overgrowth of bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes)
  3.  Inflammation
  4.  Altered keratinization of the ductal epithelium

The various predisposing factors for acne are

  • Consumption of foods with high glycaemic index (potatoes, white rice, French fries, sweets, chips, cornflakes, watermelon etc)
  •  Excessive consumptions of dairy products such as low fat/skim milk, cheese etc.
  • A diet which has low glycaemic index, more fiber , more zinc, selenium, chromium is helpful in acne.
  •  Stress leads to aggravation of acne while acne itself can lead to distress.
  • Smoking is one of the major culprits in acne flares these days.
  • Seasonal changes also play an important role. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, high humidity conditions , excessive sweating are responsible for flare of acne during the summer season.
  • Application of products such as makeups, moisturizers etc. with comedogenic ingredients such as coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil , linseed oil, oleic acid, beeswax, cocoa butter, isopropyl myristate , stearyl alcohol, lanolin, butyl stearate etc .
  • Facials can trigger acne in predisposed individuals .
  • Exposure to oil vapors during cooking 
  • Waxing , threading , shaving may cause follicular irritation .
  • Certain medicines such as steroids, multivitamins(vitamin B12), oral contraceptive pills can trigger acneiform eruptions.

In certain predisposed individuals, acne if not treated early can lead to extensive scarring (which may be atrophic or hypertrophic).

A holistic approach works best in the management of acne with topical ,systemic and procedural therapies.

For more information, visit or call on +91-7042074628

Skin Whitening

Pigmentation and dark skin is an important component of dermatology consultations in the Asian population. Melasma appears to be the most common pigmentary disorder with a huge prevalence. Hyperpigmentary disorders have serious social and psychological connotations  for the person and can impact the quality of life significantly.  There is an intense and growing demand for a lightened skin color and females have been trying hard for years to pursue their dream to get a lighter skin tone without damaging their skin .

Indian skin is traditionally defined as Asian skin but this is not precise as Indian skin shows a remarkable variability from Kashmir to Kanyakumari . Fitzpatrick skin type 2-6 can be seen in India’s varied ethnic groups.

Post –inflammatory hyper pigmented marks due to healed acne lesions, melasma, pigmentation of the corners of the lip, around the lips , on the forehead , around the eyes ,pigmentation on the nose etc are the common complaints .

Hyperpigmentary disorders could be superficial (epidermal) and deep(dermal). This is defined by the location of the pigment .Most of the creams  do not reach the deep layers  in therapeutic concentrations and therefore cannot cure the deep pigmentation. 

The epidermal pigmentation can be melanocytic pigmentation , where there is an increase in the number of melanocytes(melanin producing cells) or melanotic pigmentation due increased formation of melanin (the black pigment)in melanocytes .

Certain conditions however may act through both these mechanism to cause increased pigmentation .Ultraviolet light causes skin darkening through both of the above mentioned mechanisms. It can also lead to production of reactive oxygen species which may cause melanocyte stimulation to produce more melanin.

Lastly certain drugs and systemic diseases may act by a variety of methods to influence melanogenesis and cause hyperpigmentation .

A plethora of skin lightening agents is available and is quite popular in the masses. It’s prudent to use the skin lightening agents in a time sequential manner to avoid side effects. It is also important to judiciously combine these preparations with various procedures like chemical peeling, microdermabrasion ,lasers etc. under the guidance of a dermatologist.

Glutathione is the most commonly supplement in skin whitening regiments. It is a naturally occurring antioxidant and the human liver can produce it, and it is also present in several foods.

Glutathione is synthesized in mammals from three amino acids, glumate, cysteine and glycine. It is available in dietary form in watermelon, spinach, broccolis ,walnuts, oranges and tomatoes. It is primarily a free radical scavenger. Low levels of glutathione have been implicated in many diseases. Glutathione is used in the treatment of  Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s   disease, multiple scleroisis, alcoholic hepatitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Glutathione has many roles to play in supporting overall health. It can:

  • Neutralize the free radicals
  • regenerate vitamins C and E
  • remove mercury from the brain
  • regulate cell growth and death
  • activate antioxidant enzymes
  • boost up the immunity
  • slows aging process
  • reduces the chances of development of cancer and slows the cancer progression
  • helpful in cardiac diseases, liver diseases
  • help in better diabetic management and improve insulin resistance

Glutathione levels naturally decrease with age. However, poor diet and sedentarism can also reduce glutathione levels.

People can naturally increase their glutathione levels by making dietary and lifestyle-related changes. Also glutathione is available in the oral and injectable form to supplement the reduced glutathione levels in the body.

For more information, visit or call on +91-7042074628

PRF – Platelet Rich Fibrin for Hair Loss

Platelet rich fibrin is an advanced form of PRP(Platelet Rich
Plasma) and works wonderfully to tackle the problem of hair
loss (alopecia) in both males and females.

It is an absolutely safe procedure with no downtime. PRF or
Platelet Rich Fibrin offers certain distinct advantages over PRP
or Platelet Rich Plasma in spite of having some basic
similarities. There is no additive (anticoagulant) that is mixed
with blood in a PRF unlike PRP and natural blood undergoes a
single step centrifugation.

PRP lacks regenerative potential however i-PRF has stem cells
with very high regenerative potential. The mechanism of results
obtained with PRF is in a similar fashion as PRP but the
concentration of growth factors, platelets and white blood cells
is higher in Platelet Rich Fibrin as compared to PRP. Hence the
results with PRF are superior in comparison to PRP.

The fibrin matrix in PRF acts as a scaffolding for the platelets ,
growth factors and the stem cells and prevents them from
diffusing. Also the growth factors continue to be released for
many days after the procedure unlike PRP and thus gives long
lasting results.

PRF when injected in areas of hair thinning gives very good
results over a period of 12 weeks. It is also used for facial

For more information, visit or call on +91-7042074628